02 / 2019

Parquest acquires a stake in Eduservices group

Press Release

Eduservices opens its capital to two new partners and confirms its ambition of being a leading player in France’s private higher education market

Already  a  French  leader  on  private  higher  and  technical  education,  Eduservices  has  reinforced  its  position with the entry of two new financial partners within its capital. Driven by a common project,  Parquest Capital – a reputed actor of French capital investment – and Amundi Private Equity Funds –  a subsidiary of Europe’s #1 asset management firm – take over from Capzanine as minority investors.  They  both  provide  Eduservices  with  significant  means,  allowing the  group  to  pursue  its  ambitious  development strategy.

Founded in 2010 by Philippe Grassaud, Eduservices has known a dynamic growth during the past few  years, mostly based on its important portfolio of RNCP titles, its nationally-reputed brands and its wide  geographical  footprint  (25  cities  in  France).  As  of  today,  Eduservices  gathers  more  than  19,000  students and 2,000 employees, for a €115m turnover.

Eduservices  trains  its  students  for  various  careers  in  business,  management,  communication,  hospitality, tourism, beauty, digital, all taught within its different schools such as Ipac Bachelor Factory,  ISCOM, MBway, My Digital School, Pigier Création, Pigier Performance, Ecole Internationale Tunon and  Win.  The  group  is  positioned  on  the  job-training  market  segment  and  offers  a  multidisciplinary  education, from pre-baccalaureate to baccalaureate +5, in both initial and work-linked training.

Capzanine is financing the operation, hence confirming its support to the Grassaud family that it had  accompanied since 2016 as a minority shareholder.

With the arrival of its two new partners, Eduservices aims at pursuing the development of its historical  activities, especially  in work-linked  training, as well as  deploying  new activities  in accordance with  market expectations (employability, digitalization, etc.), through internal and external growth.

Philippe Grassaud, president and majority shareholder of Eduservices declares:
“With the arrival of  two reputed strategic partners and a renewed shareholding structure, Eduservices takes it to the next  level and has now reinforced means to accelerate the execution of its growth strategy. The presence  of major sponsors is important as it gives us the means to pursue Eduservices’ dynamic internal and  external  development. Most of all, we value  that  they  truly  respect human  principles, Eduservices’  culture, the undertaken projects and management team’s actions. Our shared ambition is to reinforce  Eduservices’ position as a French leader in private higher education.” 

Denis  Le  Chevallier, managing  partner  at  Parquest  Capital,  adds:
“We  have  full  confidence  in  Eduservices’  development  project,  led  by  its  historical  shareholders  and  its  management  team.  It  comes within the continuity of its recent performances and shows real acceleration opportunities at  the same time, in a dynamic and changing market.” 

Christophe  Karvelis, president  of  Capzanine,  also  comments:
“We  are  deeply  convinced  that  Eduservices will keep growing in the upcoming years, thanks to its national footprint and its expertise  in work-linked training, which development remains very needed in France.”