
Digital native vertical brand of bedding products

Investment – Divestment

2021 – …


  • Tediber is the first French brand of online sales of bedding products and pioneer of the Bed-in-Box in France, relying on an omnichannel model.   
  • The company designs and distributes quality bedding products, sold at the right price, based on strong ESG values.
  • Parquest invested in Tediber’s capital in a majority MBO alongside the founders and financial investor Eutopia, whose team has supported the project since the company’s creation in 2015.
  • Tediber’s ambition is to become the reference brand for home comfort by building on its historical legitimacy in the bedding universe.
Consumer goods

The dedicated team

Pierre Decré


Juliette (Pigné) Piante

Investment Manager

Vincent Warlop


Related articles

09 / 2021
Press Release
Parquest and Eutopia are supporting Tediber in its next growth cycle